• pediatric ocupational therpy nj
  • new jersey pediatric occupational therapy
  • pediatric occupational therapy tactile skills

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What is Handwriting Without Tears?

The developmentally based, flexible, and engaging Handwriting Without Tears™ program is an easy and effective way for children to develop good handwriting skills. It has been used successfully by more than 10 million children. Combine that with enthusiastic therapists with extensive knowledge in all aspects of handwriting, and you have a winning combination.

Handwriting Without Tears™ uses fun, entertaining, and educationally sound instructional methods to teach handwriting to all students. The intuitive workbooks, engaging hands-on materials and lively music inspire active learning. Handwriting Without Tears™ is a proven success in making legible and fluent handwriting an easy and automatic skill for all students.

Therapy Tree is pleased to provide the Handwriting Without Tears™ program in groups or as part of our occupational therapy individual sessions. Groups are run by our occupational therapy staff and typically include 2-5 students. Children are placed in our groups as determined by age and writing level. Groups are available for children with special needs as well as typical children.



What is Sensory Integration?

All day, every day, we receive information from our senses: touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell, body position, movement and balance. Our brains must organize this information so that we can successfully function in all aspects of daily life: at home, at school, at play, at work, and during social interactions.


The Senses

Touch: The tactile system provides information about the shape, size, and texture of objects. This information helps us to understand our surroundings, manipulate objects, and use tools proficiently. When you put your hand in your pocket and select a quarter from an assortment of change, you are using tactile discrimination.

Hearing: We use our auditory system to identify the quality and directionality of sound. Our auditory sense tells us to turn our heads and look when we hear cars approaching. It also helps us to understand speech.

Sight: Our visual system interprets what we see. It is critical to recognizing shapes, colors, letters, words, and numbers. It is also important in reading body language and other non-verbal cues during social interactions. Vision guides our movements, and we continually monitor our actions with our eyes in order to move safely and effectively.

Taste and Smell: The gustatory and olfactory systems are closely linked. They allow us to enjoy tastes and smells of foods and cause us to react negatively to unpleasant or dangerous sensations.

Body Awareness: Proprioception, or information from the muscles and joints, contributes to the understanding of body position. This system also tells us how much force is needed for a particular task, such as picking up a heavy object, throwing a ball, or using a tool correctly.

Movement and Balance: Located in the inner ear, the vestibular system is the foundation for the development of balance reactions. It provides information about the position and movement of the head in relation to gravity and, therefore, about the speed and direction of movement. The vestibular system is also closely related to postural control. For example, when the brain receives a signal that the body is falling to the side, it, in turn, sends signals that activate muscle groups to maintain balance.


Integrating Information from the Senses

Considering all of the sensory modalities involved, it is truly amazing that one brain can organize all of the information flooding in simultaneously and respond to the demands of the environment. The complex nature of this interaction is illustrated in the following example:

Michael receives the instruction "Please put on your coat." In order to comply, he must focus his attention on the speaker and hear what that person says; screen out incoming information about other things going on around him; see the coat and adequately make a plan for how to begin; see the armholes and sense muscle and joint positions in order to put his arms into the openings; feel, with touch awareness, that the coat is on his body correctly; and use motor planning, touch awareness, and fine motor skills to zip or button the coat.

In order to accomplish this seemingly simple task, the nervous system must integrate (focus, screen, sort, and respond to) sensory information from many different sources. Imagine the amount of sensory integration needed to ride a bicycle, participate in a soccer game, or pay attention in an active classroom.

Individuals who have difficulties with all or part of this process face significant challenges when engaging in daily functional activities.


Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening (TL) is an expansion of Sensory Integration. It is an auditory intervention that uses the organized sound patterns inherent in music to impact all levels of the nervous system. Auditory information from Therapeutic Listening CDs provides direct input to both the vestibular and auditory portions of the vestibulo-proprioceptive, core development, and breath activities so as to sustain grounding and centering of the body and mind in space and time. Providing these postural, movement, and respiratory activities as part of the TL program is critical.

Therapeutic Listening utilizes numerous CDs that vary in musical style, types of filtering, and level of complexity. The music on Therapeutic Listening CDs is electronically altered to elicit the orienting response which sets up the body for sustained attention and active listening.




boy with blocksBW

Step 1: Contact us via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (908) 653-0300. Our office administrator will collect all preliminary information and email you our intake/welcome packet. If you wish to speak to a therapist directly, our office administrator will schedule a phone consult with a therapist for you.

Step 2: Download our welcome packet which contains all of the necessary information to get started. Please make sure that you read and agree to our Office and Financial policies included in the packet. Our welcome packet gives us all of the information we need to help us determine which service will best meet your requirements. Return the forms via email, mail or fax to:


Therapy Tree, LLC

ATTN: Office Administrator

123 North Union Avenue

Cranford, NJ 07016

Fax: (908) 653-0303

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any difficulty with the process, please contact the Office Administrator,

at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (908) 653-0303.


*these forms must be completed before treatment can be initiated.


Step 3: Our office administrator will contact you to discuss what will be covered by your insurance company and to schedule your first visit. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm. Before and after office hours are available upon parent request.


Click Here To Review Insurance Information.

Click Here To Review Our Occupational Therapy Services.

Click Here To Review Our Speech and Language Therapy Services.

pediatric occupational therapy boy playing

Telephone Consultation: An important initial step is to express your concerns to our intake coordinator. If there are any specific diagnosis concerns or clinical questions, our intake coordinator can set up a follow up telephone consult with an occupational Therapist. The occupational therapist can further discuss the challenges being faced and assist with what types of evaluation service will meet your child’s needs. 

Evaluations: There are a wide range of evaluations available to assess your child’s strengths and challenges. We use standardized testing and clinical obsevations to determine your child’s needs. The evaluation can take anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours  depending upon the age of your child and your concerns. If deemed helpful, we will collaborate with other helping professionals in your child's life, such as teachers, pediatricians, and other professionals.


Therapy Tree LLC is a Participating Provider for the following Insurances:

For all other insurance companies, we are an out-of-network provider.


Know What Your Insurance Covers

Many insurance plans cover Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy services, but there may be certain conditions that apply. It is important to know what your plan will cover before you access our services.

Call your insurance company to find out what services your plan covers.

Here are some questions you should ask:

  • Does my plan provide coverage for the type of services offered at Therapy Tree LLC?
  • Are evaluations covered?
  • How many therapy sessions are allowed under my insurance plan?
  • What out-of-network coverage do I have if I go to a facility/provider that does not accept my insurance?
  • Do I need to obtain prior authorization or a referral for therapy services?

You may have benefits for an out-of-network provider or belong to a POS/PPO plan that covers outside facilities. However, Therapy Tree LLC may often not be covered by insurance due to the fact that we are a private facility and not affiliated with any hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. If your insurance company has told you that they will reimburse you for our services out of network, Therapy Tree LLC will provide you with monthly invoices that you may submit to your insurance company to seek reimbursement. Therapy Tree LLC does not bill insurance companies for which they are not participating providers.

If you have secondary health insurance (if another person in your household also has insurance), be sure to check with that insurance company about coverage. It is your responsibility to understand your coverage and to obtain authorization, if needed, for any out of network services.

OT/SLP Authorization Services Representative

For all insurance for which we are a participating provider we will contact your insurance company to verify your eligibility for therapy benefits. It is important to note that the insurance companies will state that a quote to benefits does not guarantee coverage and that payment is subject to further approval. We will determine if prior authorization or pre-certification is needed for services. If it is required, we will follow the steps necessary to obtain authorization for therapy services.

We will assist you with any other insurance questions you might have to the best of our ability. We will provide guidance regarding additional financial resources that might be available to you. Some of our services are not insurance reimbursable regardless of your insurance policy. We will be clear with you when scheduling any such service that will require an out-of-pocket expense.


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