Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP's) are trained to evaluate and treat children and adults with a wide range of communication delays or disorders, including speech delays and disorders, expressive (verbal) and receptive (comprehension) language delays and disorders, and voice and fluency disorders. Speech-Language Pathologists also address other areas, including social/pragmatic language skills, play skills, oral motor skills, feeding, and swallowing.

Speech and Language Pathologists at Therapy Tree offer services to Provide Evaluation, Assessment, Treatment, Education and Collaboration in the Development of interventions for:

  • Receptive and expressive language delays
  • Pragmatic & Social Skills
  • School-age articulation disorders
  • Fluency / Stuttering disorders
  • Articulation/Phonology
  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
  • Oral Motor Skills
  • Auditory Processing

Assessments and Evaluations:

  • Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-Second Edition (G-FTA-2)   
  • Test of AUDITORY Processing Skills (TAPS-3)


Methods of Treatment Include:


"Prompts for Restructuring Oral-Muscular Phonetic Targets" (PROMPTs) is a technique that uses tactile-kinesthetic articulatory cues on the jaw, face and under the chin, to develop or restructure speech production. The PROMPT-trained speech-language pathologist helps to manually guide articulators to help the child produce specific sounds or words. The clinician uses his/her hands to cue and stimulate articulatory movement, and at the same time helps the child eliminate any unnecessary movements.

PROMPT addresses cognitive, social, pragmatic, behavioral, sensory-motor and physical domains, using the client's strengths to maximize his/her potential for communication. The PROMPT-trained clinician examines each individual to determine how to develop improved motor control, cognitive skills and social interactions. The ultimate goal of PROMPT therapy is improved functional, interactive, verbal communication.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP's) are trained to evaluate and treat children and adults with a wide range of communication delays or disorders, including speech delays and disorders, expressive (verbal) and receptive (comprehension) language delays and disorders, and voice and fluency disorders. Speech-Language Pathologists also address other areas, including social/pragmatic language skills, play skills, oral motor skills, feeding, and swallowing.


Speech and Language Pathologists at Therapy Tree offer services to Provide Evaluation, Assessment, Treatment, Education and Collaboration in the Development of interventions for:


•           Receptive and expressive language delays

•           Pragmatic & social Skills

•           School-age articulation disorders

•           Fluency/stuttering disorders

•           Articulation/Phonology

•           Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

•           Oral Motor Skills

•           Auditory Porcessing


Assessments and Evaluations:

•           Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-Second Edition (G-FTA-2)   

•           Test of AUDITORY Processing Skills (TAPS-3)


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